
The DU Center for Immigration Policy and Research (CIPR) puts collaboration at its core, with the goal of becoming a hub to bring together students, faculty, community partners, policymakers, and the broader public to address pressing challenges around migration. CIPR fosters collaboration by offering support for research, teaching, clinical training, and direct community outreach and engagement.

du campus

A Hub for Connecting Community

Our community partnerships take diverse forms with non-profit, government, and grassroots and member-based organizations. We co-host trainings and workshops, advocacy sessions, co-sponsor events, connect DU students with internship and volunteer opportunities, and pursue research and policy collaboration, service-learning courses, and clinical training.


Become a Partner

DU CIPR aims to be a hub to connect community organizations and members to one another and the DU community to stimulate transformative change around migration and more socially just communities. To partner with CIPR, fill out this form:

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Current Partners